LaMancha Goats
LaMancha does are at least 28 inches tall and weigh 130 pounds while bucks are at least 30 inches tall and weigh 160 pounds.
Any color or color combination is acceptable. The hair is short, fine and glossy and the bridge of the nose is straight.
The distinctive feature of the LaMancha is very short ears. To be registered, bucks may have ears no longer than one inch with little or no cartilage. Does may have ears up to two inches in length.
The LaMancha breed was developed in the United States and is known for its calm nature. It produces well in a variety of climates and conditions.
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The LaMancha is a dependable dairy goat, producing quality milk with high butterfat and protein over a long period of time. One of the advantages of the LaMancha breed is they can be milked for two years without being freshened. LaMancha goats have a very positive disposition, they are inquisitive and loveable, easygoing and cooperative.